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dc.title Food security terminology en
dc.contributor.author Lukášková, Eva
dc.contributor.author Pitrová, Kateřina
dc.relation.ispartof Economic and Social Aspects of Food Security
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7454-770-6
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.citation.spage 20
dc.citation.epage 29
dc.type bookPart
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Nakladatelství UTB Zlíně
dc.relation.uri https://nakladatelstvi.utb.cz/dd-product/economic-and-social-aspects-of-food-security/
dc.description.abstract Food security is defined as a condition where the physical and economic access to sufficient quantities of healthy and nutritionally balanced food is provided that meet the nutritional needs and preferences of the individual for his active and healthy life. (FAO, (c) 2017) Even though the definition may seem that the problem of food security is completely bound to developing countries, it is important to realize that the problem of hidden hunger is also inherent to developed countries. The world population in the 21st century is facing a number of challenges to civilization - or global issues, whereas the possibility of ensuring food security across states would solve one fundamental problem. The following subchapters will define the main concepts of food security, their choice being given by the approach to food security in the Czech Republic. en
utb.faculty Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10563/1009068
utb.identifier.wok 000479028500003
utb.source c-wok
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-19T07:56:14Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-19T07:56:14Z
utb.contributor.internalauthor Lukášková, Eva
utb.contributor.internalauthor Pitrová, Kateřina
utb.wos.affiliation [Lukaskova, Eva] Tomas Bata Univ Zlin, Fac Logist & Crisis Management, Dept Populat Protect, Zlin, Czech Republic; [Pitrova, Katerina] Tomas Bata Univ Zlin, Fac Logist & Crisis Management, Dept Environm Secur, Zlin, Czech Republic
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