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EU Cohesion Policy in the Czech Republic and Poland: Comparison of intervention areas among regions

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dc.title EU Cohesion Policy in the Czech Republic and Poland: Comparison of intervention areas among regions en Smékalová, Lenka Kučera, Filip
dc.relation.ispartof Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration
dc.identifier.issn 1211-555X Scopus Sources, Sherpa/RoMEO, JCR
dc.identifier.issn 1804-8048 Scopus Sources, Sherpa/RoMEO, JCR 2022
utb.relation.volume 30
utb.relation.issue 2
dc.type article
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pardubice
dc.identifier.doi 10.46585/sp30021554
dc.subject Czech Republic en
dc.subject regional development en
dc.subject cohesion policy en
dc.subject Poland en
dc.subject European structural and investment funds en
dc.subject lagging regions en
dc.description.abstract The cohesion policy of the European Union represents a significant part of its budget and delivers interventions across all regions of the EU. There is little consensus on its efficiency, and its links to fostering convergence on the regional level are uncertain. Nevertheless, regions were shown to benefit from policy interventions promoting their growth and development. The main objective of the policy is to reduce regional disparities that exist among lagging and other, more developed regions. Therefore, this paper focuses on the deliverance of the cohesion policy in Central and Eastern European countries, Poland and the Czech Republic. It explores the support of thematic interventions across its regions in the 2014-2020 period. Findings point out different thematic support of Polish regions according to their relative advancement. Lagging regions of Poland received more substantial support related to promoting the endogenous potential for development and increase in quality of human capital. In contrast, the Czech regions were treated comparably regardless of their development stages. This points to different approaches to implementing the cohesion policy in these countries. en
utb.faculty Faculty of Management and Economics
utb.identifier.obdid 43883942
utb.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-85140953578
utb.identifier.wok 000891640000004
utb.identifier.wok 000917756100016
utb.source j-scopus 2022-11-29T07:49:19Z 2022-11-29T07:49:19Z
dc.description.sponsorship [RO/2022/07]
dc.rights Attribution 4.0 International
dc.rights.access openAccess
utb.contributor.internalauthor Smékalová, Lenka
utb.contributor.internalauthor Kučera, Filip
utb.fulltext.affiliation Lenka Smékalová 1,* and Filip Kučera 2 1 Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Mostní 5139, Zlín 76001, Czechia 2 Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Mostní 5139, Zlín 76001, Czechia * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
utb.fulltext.dates Received: 30 May 2022 Revised: 9 September 2022 Accepted: 29 September 2022 Published: 14 October 2022
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utb.fulltext.sponsorship This contribution was supported by grant no RO/2022/07, “Platformy spolupráce a ekonomičtí aktéři: vytváření schopností pro nové perspektivní ukazatele konkurenceschopnosti a resilienci v éře pandemie COVID-19.”
utb.wos.affiliation [Smekalova, Lenka; Kucera, Filip] Tomas Bata Univ Zlin, Fac Management & Econ, Mostni 5139, Zlin 76001, Czech Republic
utb.scopus.affiliation Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Czech Republic
utb.fulltext.projects RO/2022/07
utb.fulltext.faculty Faculty of Management and Economics
utb.fulltext.faculty Faculty of Management and Economics
utb.fulltext.ou Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law
utb.fulltext.ou Department of Regional Development, Public Sector Administration and Law
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