
Návštěvy celkem

Surface behavior of polyamide 6 modified by barrier plasma in oxygen and nitrogen 1092186
Stimuli responsive and biomineralized scaffold: An implant for bone-tissue engineering 23129
Online grocery shopping: the customers' perspective in the Czech Republic 19319
The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: An investigation in Vietnamese retail banking sector 19230
A comparative study of consumers’ readiness for internet shopping in two African emerging economies: Some preliminary findings 16612
Human resources key performance indicators 14555
Effect of supermolecular particles in chitosan solutions on the correlation of intrinsic viscosity and degree of polymerization 11277
The employees of baby boomers generation, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z in selected Czech corporations as conceivers of development and competitiveness in their corporation 11134
The impact of migration of highly skilled workers on the country's competitiveness and economic growth 8330
Analysis of the physical organic food availability at retail stores in the Czech Republic 7939